lunes, 30 de abril de 2012



Hi everybody! In this activity you are going to watch and listen to some teenagers talking about appearances and clothes. You can also record your answers to questions and make a conversation.
¡Hola! En esta actividad vais a ver un video en el que varios adolescentes hablan de descripciones físicas y de ropa. Tenéis además la posibilidad de grabar con vuestra voz las respuestas a varias preguntas y al final escucharéis una conversación en la que tú eres el protagonista principal.

Click HERE to do this activity.


Watch this video about comparatives and superlatives:

Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in brackets.


Watch this video:

Do these activities:

domingo, 29 de abril de 2012


Hi everyone! A great pop song of the nineties. It's "Losing My Religion" by R.E.M. (rapid eye movement). HERE is some information about the song. The phrase "losing my religion" is an expression from the southern region of the United States that means losing one's temper or civility, or "being at the end of one's rope."
Watch the video and listen to the song:

Complete the song:

jueves, 26 de abril de 2012


Hi everybody! Listen to Pat talking about her new room. Click HERE to do this activity.


¡Hola! Vamos a visitar una página para practicar la comprensión de textos (Reading). Se llama Pincha AQUÍ para leer el texto y hacer el ejercicio de comprensión. ¿Cuál es la opción correcta?


Hello ! In this post we are going to revise the first and second conditional sentences.
Watch this video:

Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Good luck!!:

lunes, 23 de abril de 2012


¡Hola! En esta entrada vamos a visitar la página del British Council para practicar la audición (listening). Empezamos por los dos primeros podcasts del nivel elemental. El podcast es un programa de radio con explicación de un profesor al final de cada programa. Tenéis además varias actividades para hacer con cada listening.

Pincha AQUÍ para el episodio 1

Pincha AQUÍ para el episodio 2


Hi everyone!! Try to find ten adjectives that we can use to talk about the weather.

viernes, 20 de abril de 2012


¡Hola! En esta entrada vamos a trabajar el orden de una pregunta usando un interrogativo (question word).

     1º - Ponemos en primer lugar el interrogativo que aparece entre paréntesis. Empleamos los siguientes: What? (¿Qué?), What time? (¿A qué hora?), When? (¿Cuándo?), Where? (¿Dónde?), Who? (¿Quién?), Why? (¿Por qué?), How often? (¿Cuántas veces?/¿Con qué frecuencia?).
      2º - En segundo lugar colocamos el verbo auxiliar. Trabajaremos con el Present Simple (do/does) y con el Present Continuous (is/are). En este lugar también pondremos el verbo "can" en aquellas preguntas en las que aparezca. Si el verbo de la frase es el "have got" aquí ponemos "have/has"
      3º - En tercer lugar ponemos el sujeto de la oración (Peter, Ann, she, they, the book, the children...).
      4º - En cuarto lugar ponemos el verbo principal. En las frases de Present Simple ponemos el verbo en infinitivo sin añadirle nada (play, go, eat, swim...). En las frases de Present Continuous ponemos el verbo en "-ing" (swimming, dancing, writing, chatting....). En las frases con "have got", aquí ponemos el "got".
      5º - El quinto es para los complementos. Cuidado aquí ya que no podemos incluir en la pregunta la respuesta de lo que estamos preguntando, es decir, si preguntamos con "Where?" no podemos poner el sitio sobre el que estamos preguntando. Ej - She is drinking a cup of tea in the kitchen (Where?) "Where is she drinking a cup of tea?". El lugar "in the kitchen" no se incluye en la pregunta.
      Recuerda que las preguntas con el verbo "to be" no siguen este orden ya que este verbo no necesita de ningún verbo de apoyo o auxiliar. En estas frases ponemos: Question Word + Verbo be (is/are) + Sujeto + Complementos.
      Ej: The pencil is on the desk. (Where?)"Where is the pencil?"

      ¡Ojo! Tenemos que cambiar los pronombres personales de 1ª persona (I/we) por el de segunda (you). Lo mismo con los adjetivos posesivos ("my/our"cambian a "your").
      Ej: I never drink orange juice.(How often?)"How often do you drink orange juice?"
           Our teacher is from France. (Where?)"Where is your teacher from?"


jueves, 19 de abril de 2012


Hello everybody! This is a comedy show called Extra English. It's quite funny and we hope you like it. The first episode has three parts. Listen carefully to what they say.




miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012


Read the text and answer the questions:

        My name is Trevor and I'm a vet. I live in Truro in Cornwall, England. If I won €1000000, the first thing I'd do is buy things for myself. I'd buy a new car because my old car has just broken down, I'd also buy a new laptop and I'd invite all my friends and family to a wonderful dinner. I'm very keen on water sports so I'd learn how to windsurf well.
        I'd help my family too. My brother is unemployed at the moment and he loves mobile phones but he can't afford a good one. I'd buy him the latest smartphone so that he could phone people, take photos and videos or use the Internet. My mum and dad have always wanted to travel and see the world. I'd take them on a really good holiday, maybe to The Caribbean or to Australia.
        I'd donate a lot of money to charities, especially in the Third World where people are starving to death. I'd also give some money to charities that help poor children. I don't like wars so I'd work with charities that fight against them.
        Finally, I'd save a lot of the money for the future, because I will need money for my pet shop. I'd buy a beautiful ring for my fiancée too. We are getting married next year. What would you do if you won €1000000 ?


Write a text about what you would do if you won the lottery. Use this guide:

       Introduction - "If I won the lottery, the first thing......"
       Paragraph 1 - What would you buy for yourself?
       Paragraph 2 - What would you buy for your family and friends?
       Paragraph 3 - Would you donate any money to charities? Why? Why not?
       Paragraph 4 - Would you save any money? What for?

You can print your essay or write it in your notebook. Ask your teachers for help.

HERE is a good dictionary.


Find 20 Irregular Verbs. Good luck!!!

martes, 17 de abril de 2012


Find ten animals in this wordsearch. They can run, fly or swim....


Hi everyone! Watch this video about countable and uncountable nouns:

Put these nouns into two groups: COUNTABLE / UNCOUNTABLE.

You have 30 seconds to do the activity. Good luck!!


Watch this video:

Order the words in these sentences:


Hi everyone!! We are going to practise the past tenses contrast in this post. You have to complete the text with the right verb tense (Past Simple or Past Continuous). Good luck!!!

Click HERE if you need a dictionary.

sábado, 14 de abril de 2012


Hello!! A song. It's "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King. He is one of the most important American soul singers. You can read about his life and career HERE. It is also the song that you play in your music classes.

Watch the video and complete the song:

viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

jueves, 12 de abril de 2012


Vamos a repasar los interrogativos en inglés. ¿Cuál es la opción correcta? Escoge:

Moitas grazas a toda a comunidade de BIBLOSVIVOS pola vosa axuda e o voso apoio. Lembrade a importancia da lectura na aprendizaxe das linguas. Tedes novos libros a vosa disposición na biblioteca do noso instituto. Thanks ladies!!! You are the best!!!


Read the following text:

Yesterday Paul and I were in the park. We were sitting under a tree and talking. There was a woman near us. The woman was wearing a red dress. Suddenly we heard a scream. We looked up and saw a young man. The young man was running and carrying a bag. The bag was small and black. The woman in the red dress was shouting "He stole my bag!". We ran to the woman. I called the police on my phone and they arrived ten minutes later. We talked to the police. The woman went with the police to the police station. Then Paul and I went home.

Answer these questions : (Full Answers)

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012


Hello!!!  In this post you'll learn some new geography words (unit 3). Here is a list of new words:
continent (continente) - Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Oceania.
country (país) - In plural "countries" such as Switzerland, Portugal, Greece, China.
ocean (océano) - Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, Southern/Antarctic.
river (río) - The Miño, The Thames, The Nile, The Amazon, The Mississippi.
sea (mar) - The Mediterranean, The North, The Red, The Caribbean.
area (región), mountain (montaña), mountain range (cordillera, cadena montañosa), summit (cima, cumbre), peak (pico), hill (colina), pass (desfiladero), valley (valle), plain (llanura), volcano (volcán), cliff (acantilado), sea (mar), lake (lago), stream (arroyo, riachuelo), coast (costa), beach/beaches (playa/s), island (isla), peninsula (península), bay (bahía), gulf (golfo), desert (desierto), wood (bosque), forest (selva), rainforest (selva tropical), city (ciudad), town (pueblo grande, ciudad pequeña), village (aldea), capital (capital), The North Pole (El Polo Norte), The South Pole (El Polo Sur), iceberg (iceberg).

"City / Town" podemos usarlos según el núcleo de población, "city" normalmente con mayor número de habitantes que un "town". Para los británicos "city" suele ser para lugares con catedrales o universidades (no siguen datos de población). Oxford is a city, York is a city and Tui is a city as well (también).

Cuidado con el uso del artículo (el,la,los,las) delante de algunas de estas palabras. AQUÍ tenéis una sencilla explicación.

Fill the blanks with the right word. Good luck!!!


Hi !! In this post we are going to translate sentences into English. Can you give the right translation for these sentences? We hope you will. Good luck!!!

A tip (un consejo) : Now you can use these sentences to write about a crime!!!

martes, 10 de abril de 2012


A new podcast from Listen to English. It's called "A nice cup of tea". Tea is a well-known British tradition. Learn something about meals and this time we'll just listen to the podcast. That's all, do it several times, as much as you need. If you want to know the meaning of any word or expression use a dictionary to look them up (look up=buscar palabras en un diccionario). HERE is a good one.

Click HERE to listen


Hello!! The aim of this post is to learn how to use several adjectives modifying a noun . According to our textbook we use this order when two or more adjectives are modifying a noun : SIZE-AGE-SHAPE-COLOUR-ORIGIN-MATERIAL + noun (sustantivo). Which is the right answer?

* Un consejo : El orden en castellano es el de Tamaño-Edad-Forma-Color-Origen-Material, pues bien, si nos aprendemos la inicial de cada palabra, es decir TEFCOM, seguro que nos será más fácil memorizarlo!!!

1 They were looking for.......
some new, orange wooden shelves some new, wooden orange shelves some orange, new wooden shelves
2 He is wearing........
a huge, red woolen T-shirt a woolen, huge red T-shirt a red, woolen huge T-shirt
3 They have just bought........
a lot of round, French tiny sweets a lot of French, tiny round sweets a lot of tiny, round French sweets
4 Harry and Helen have got.......
some old, Italian brown cars some Italian, old brown cars some old, brown Italian cars
5 Kevin sent a message in.......
a square, American plastic bottle an American, square plastic bottle a square, plastic American bottle
6 They say they have seen........They're mad!!!
several green, wide rectangular objects several wide, rectangular green objects several green, rectangular wide objects
7 We couldn't find.........for the party.
many low, black stone chairs many black, stone low chairs many black, low stone chairs
8 Her husband gave her..........for her last birthday.
a little, Dutch white diamond a little, white Dutch diamond a white, little Dutch diamond
9 These..........are too expensive. I haven't got enough money.
two rectangular, old Turkish carpets two old, rectangular Turkish carpets two Turkish, rectangular old carpets
10 The lady looked at herself in.............
a round, small Chinese mirror a Chinese, round small mirror a small, round Chinese mirror
11 David bought.......for his new flat.
an oval, steel old clock an old, oval steel clock an oval, old steel clock
12 This robot threw........just a minute ago. Amazing!!!
several round, pink glass balls several pink, glass round balls several glass, pink round balls
13 Did you use to wear.......when you were younger?
many black, leather large jackets many black, large leather jackets many large, black leather jackets
14 We put the money in.......and ran away.
some big, plastic purple bags some purple, big plastic bags some big, purple plastic bags

domingo, 8 de abril de 2012


Bien, en esta entrada vamos a trabajar con varias destrezas (several skills) del proceso de aprendizaje del inglés como segunda lengua:
1º - La audición (listening)
2º - El vocabulario y la traducción (vocabulary and translation)
3ª - La redacción o elaboración de mensajes escritos (writing)
4º - La producción oral de mensajes (speaking)

- El listening lo haremos visitando una nueva página (website), que a partir de ahora será otra herramienta (tool) de trabajo en nuestro blog. Esta página se llama Listen to English. Es una "podcast website" (podcast es un archivo digital multimedia disponible en internet para reproductores digitales etc). Este podcast se titula "England's Newest Tourist Attraction" y trata sobre (deals with/is about) el atractivo turístico de la Autopista M25 (como si fuese la M40 de Madrid, autopistas en forma de círculo o anillo alrededor de grandes núcleos de población). Empezaremos escuchando esta narración un par de veces o tres . Primero sólo escuchamos, intentamos reconocer el mensaje principal del nativo que habla. Lo bueno de la página es que además del audio nos ofrece el texto escrito. Con el texto escrito trabajaremos en los siguientes apartados. Pincha AQUÍ para ir a la página.

- En este apartado trabajaremos con vocabulario y traducción. Para ello vamos a usar el texto escrito. Es un texto con 8 párrafos y vamos a comentarlos uno por uno:
Párrafo 1:
- "Are you planning..? es un ejemplo del uso del Present Continuous con valor futuro
- "shall" - es un verbo modal, en preguntas se usa para hacer un ofrecimiento o una sugerencia. Por ej: "Shall we go to the theatre tonight?" /Shall we meet at nine?" (¿Vamos al teatro esta noche? ¿Quedamos a las nueve?).
Párrafo 2:
- "Everyone goes.." (Todo el mundo va) everyone,everybody,somebody... llevan el verbo en singular y por lo tanto en el present simple aff hay que añadir la "-s". Ej: "Everybody was afraid" "Someone was watching" "Everybody drives fast" (Todo el mundo tenía miedo/Alguien miraba/Todo el mundo conduce rápido).
- "Motorway" En Gran Bretaña es una autopista, para referirnos a las autopistas también podemos usar highway, expressway (Am). Si la autopista es de peaje decimos "toll motorway".
- "busy motorway/road" se usa para autopista/carretera con mucho tráfico.
- "coach" (autocar, autobús de largo recorrido).
- "brisk" (activo) referido a un negocio (business).
- "let us pay" (paguemos).
- "board" aquí es verbo significa subir al autocar. Get es el verbo que se suele usar en inglés para subir o bajar de medios de transporte. Puedes revisar AQUÍ las preposiciones que lo acompañan según el tipo de medio de transporte. Básicamente recuerda "get in /into" para cars, taxis, vans (furgonetas), lorries/trucks (camiones) es subir(se) a ellos, para bajar(se) usamos "get out of". Con los demás medios de transporte (bus, train, coach, bicycle..) usamos "get on /onto" para subir(se) y "get off" para bajar(se). Con el verbo embarcar (para aviones/barcos grandes) decimos la expresión "get on board".
Párrafo 3:
- "head" aquí es verbo (ir en dirección). Más vocabulario de la palabra head AQUÍ .
- "slip road" (vía de acceso).
- "turn left/right" (girar a izquierda/derecha).
- "clockwise" (en el sentido de las agujas del reloj)/"anticlockwise" (en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj).
- "as well as" (además de).
- "guide" (guía).
- "junction" (salida de una autopista, cruce de carreteras, en electricidad empalme).
- "traffic jam" (atasco).
- "never mind" (no importa).
- "maybe" (quizás).
Párrafo 4:
- "toll" (peaje) / toll booth (cabina de peaje).
- "rush hour" (hora punta)
- "delay" aquí es sustantivo (retraso).
Párrafo 5:
- "roadworks" (obras en la carretera).
- "come to a standstill" (pararse).
- "pointless" (sin sentido).
- "to be stuck" (estar parado, sin moverse/atascado).
- "resurface" (repavimentar).
Párrafo 6:
- "service station" (área de servicio).
- "queue" (hacer cola).
- "rubber" (de goma) para referirse a los bocadillos queda muy simpático.
- "after our break" (después de nuestro descanso). Recuerda que "after" lo podemos usar seguido de un sustantivo o de un verbo en la forma "-ing" (gerundio). Ej: After breakfast, I usually have a shower / After having breakfast,  they left. ¡¡En inglés si un verbo va después de una preposición lo colocamos en -ing!! (para la mayoría de los casos ya que también hay excepciones).
- "nose to tail" (los coches van uno detrás del otro casi pegándose).
Párrafo 7:
- "highlight" (lo más destacado/el plato fuerte).
- "signs over the motorway" (paneles informativos en una autopista).
- "unusual/unpleasant" (raro/desagradable) uso del prefijo "un-" para formar antónimos de adjetivos.
- "gunfight" (tiroteo).
- "a broken-down lorry" (un camión averiado). El verbo "break out" referido a máquinas significa averiarse. En este caso el participio broken down funciona como adjetivo y por lo tanto va antes del sustantivo y le tenemos que poner el guión (hyphen). Ej: There were two broken-down coaches on the road/She was looking at a broken-down car/My laptop has broken down/That mobile is broken down.
Párrafo 8:
- "turn off" (salir de la autopista). Ej: We turned off at junction 6 (tomamos la salida 6).
- "greet" (recibir, dar la bienvenida, saludar).

Ahora volvemos a escuchar la narración un par de veces fijándonos en la traducción y empleo del vocabulario visto en este apartado.

3º - El writing lo empezamos preparando por medio de la traducción inversa (spanish into english). Intenta traducir estas frases.
     a) Estaba dando el sol cuando salí de casa ayer por la mañana.
     b) Me subí al coche y no pude encenderlo porque estaba averiado.
     c) De repente vi a una mujer al otro lado de la carretera.
     d) La mujer llevaba gafas de sol y me sonrió. Me sentí muy avergonzado.
     e) ¡Disculpe, señor!, gritó . Yo crucé la carretera y le dije hola.
     f) ¿Hay un supermercado cerca de aquí?, me preguntó.
     g) Era una mujer muy guapa, quizás la mujer más bonita del mundo.
     h) Mientras hablaba del supermercado ella me apuntó con una pistola.
     i) Le di el dinero, el móvil, una cadena y un reloj.
     g) Tomó todo y se escapó.
     h) No podía correr rápido porque llevaba tacones altos.
     i) De repente vi un policía corriendo hacia ella.
     j) El policía la atrapó y me devolvió todo.
     j) La mujer era una famosa delincuente y ahora está en la cárcel.
     k) Escuché un tiroteo mientras estaba haciendo cola en el cajero.

Vocabulario para traducir las frases:
dar el sol (the sun shine), salir de casa (leave home). suddenly (de repente), al otro lado de (across), me sonrió (she smiled at me), disculpe (excuse me), me apuntó con un arma (she pointed a gun at me), tomar (take), escaparse (run away), atrapar (catch), devolver todo (give everything back), delincuente (criminal), estar en la cárcel (be in prision/jail), hacer cola en (queue at), cajero (cash dispenser), escuchar (hear).

En la redacción tenemos que incluir verbos en Past Simple y en Past Continuous, un pequeño truco para reflejarlo en las frases de la traducción. Si en castellano el verbo está en Pretérito Perfecto Simple (jugué, sentí, vi...) en inglés ponemos Past Simple (played, felt, saw...). Si el verbo en castellano está en Pretérito Imperfecto (jugaba, veía, sentía...) en inglés los ponemos en Past Continuous (was/were + -ing).

Writing - Describe a crime. Use the Past Simple and Past Continuous in your essay. (125 lines)

Para hacer la redacción basta con unir algunas frases del ejercicio de traducción usando "Then" (luego, después)/ "After that" (después de éso)/ "Finally" (por último) y otras ideas que se os ocurran. Se recomienda que empleéis vocabulario visto recientemente en clase.

- Para el speaking contestamos oralmente a preguntas del tipo:
    a ) What time did you get up last Saturday?
    b) Did you go to school? What did you do in the morning?
    c ) What was your brother doing at seven o'clock?
    d) Can your parents drive? How often do they take the toll motorway to.....?
    e) Describe a busy bar/restaurant/café/supermarket...

viernes, 6 de abril de 2012


In the first pronunciation post we learnt something about the phonemic chart. In this one we are going to visit a worldwide known site. It's called It is said that the best English in the world is the BBC English. It is the one we normally learn in Europe. Pay special attention to the accent of the woman in the introduction video. After watching it you can try doing the quizzes. Do the activity if you feel sure of the phonetic symbols and sounds.

Click HERE to practice


In this post you will practice a dialogue about booking a hotel room (reservar una habitación de hotel). We are going to visit a new site , It's a pre-intermediate conversation and you are going to listen to a conversation between a woman and a recepcionist. Click HERE to go

Write a dialogue and perform it with a partner. Here is some information you have to include:

How long? - two weeks
What kind of room? - a single and a double both with bath
Available? - Yes/No
Where? View? - on the...floor, with/without a view of the......
Breakfast? - Yes, please How much? - ......dollars/euro/pounds per night
Are there any facilities? - three swimming pools (one for children), spa/gym/restaurant/shops/lecture hall/piano bar/tennis court/games room/rooms connected to the internet
Who's booking? - Give names with spellings, phone number/e-mail and say goodbye
The best couple will be invited to perform it in class, on the radio....!!!!
Ask your teachers if you have any doubt!!!
Any of these questions are useful for the End-of-year Test (Speaking).


Hello !! A new song, a great hit in the 80s . It's With or Without You by the Irish band U2. Here is some information from wikipedia:

"With or Without You" is a song by Irish rock band U2. It is the third track from their 1987 album, The Joshua Tree, and was released as the album's first single on 21 March 1987. The song was the group's most successful single at the time, becoming their first number-one hit in the both the United States and Canada by topping the Billboard Hot 100 for three weeks and the RPM national singles chart for one week. "With or Without You" features sustained guitar parts played by guitarist The Edge with a prototype of the Infinite Guitar, along with vocals by lead singer Bono and a bassline by bassist Adam Clayton. The song originated from a demo recorded in late 1985 that the group continued to work on throughout The Joshua Tree sessions. Ostensibly a troubled love song, the track's lyrics were inspired by Bono's conflicting feelings about the lives he led as a musician and domestic man. Critics praised the song upon its release. It is frequently performed on the band's tours, and it has appeared on a number of their compilation albums and concert films. "With or Without You" is U2's second most frequently covered song.In 2010, Rolling Stone magazine placed the song at number 132 on their list of "The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time".

Complete the song:


Hi !! We learned some vocabulary about clothes in unit 1. In this post you will revise and improve your vocabulary with a crossword:
Men's Clothes - suit (traje), tie (corbata), bow tie (pajarita), shirt (camisa)
Women's Clothes - dress (vestido), blouse (blusa), skirt (falda)
Uni-Sex - coat (abrigo), raincoat (gabardina, impermeabale), anorak (anorak), jacket (cazadora), waistcoat (chaleco), T-shirt (camiseta), polo shirt (polo), trousers (pantalones), jeans (vaqueros), shorts (pantalones cortos), jumper/pullover/jersey (jersey), jersey (tb puede ser camiseta en algunos deportes), cardigan (rebeca, chaqueta de punto con botones), sweatshirt (sudadera), hoody/hoodie (sudadera con capucha), gloves (guantes)
Baby Clothes - nappy (pañal), romper suit (trajecito de bebé)
Holiday/Leisure Clothes - trunks (pantalón corto para correr/bañador de hombre), bikini (bikini), swimsuit (traje de baño), tracksuit (chándal)
Nightwear - pyjamas (pijama), nightdress (camisón), dressing gown (albornoz)
Underwear - underpants (calzoncillos), bra (sujetador), knickers (bragas), tights (mallas/leotardos), stockings (medias), socks (calcetines), vest (camiseta)
Footwear - shoe (zapato), boot (bota), wellington (bota de goma para lluvia/catiusca), sandal (sandalia), slipper (zapatilla), trainer (zapatilla deportiva)
Headwear - hat (sombrero), cap (gorra/gorro), beret (boina), broad-brimmed hat (pamela)
Accessories - belt (cinturón), handbag (bolso), briefcase (maletín), scarf (bufanda), glasses (gafas), sunglasses (gafas de sol), watch (reloj)
Jewellery - bracelet (pulsera/brazalete), necklace (collar), ring (anillo), earring (pendiente)
Adjectives - casual (informal), formal (de etiqueta), smart (elegante), (knitted (de punto), woolen (de lana), cotton (de algodón), silk ( de seda), leather (de cuero), fur (de piel), large (de talla grande), medium (de talla mediana), small (de talla pequeña), loose/baggy (suelto/holgado/flojo), tight (ajustado/ceñido/apretado), long (largo), short (corto), long-sleeved (de manga larga), short-sleeved (de manga corta). Remember that we put the adjectives before the nouns in English, for example "loose trousers", "tight jeans", "small T-shirt", "leather jacket", "blue tie", "beautiful dress" and so on.
Other Words - garment (prenda), denim (tela vaquera), top (parte superior), bottom (parte inferior), sleeve (manga), zip/fly (cremallera), heel (tacón), size (talla), hanger (percha)

Now try to find some of these words in this crossword. Enjoy it!!!!
Oral Question : What are they wearing? Look at the photos and describe the clothes.


Well, this post is about the legend of King Arthur. We are going visit the Oxford Online Learning Zone and we will watch a video, do some activities to check our understanding and write about a legend from our country.
The fifth activity is the writing, we suggest you to visit THIS SITE to look for Spanish legends and try to write about "Los Amantes de Teruel". These are some facts about them:
Names - Isabel de Segura and Diego de Marcilla
Place - Teruel
Time - 13th (thirteenth) century / The Middle Ages
Legend - two lovers died of love because they couldn't live together
Last paragraph - Write about the performances and medieval markets that take place round Teruel to remember the lovers.
You can either print your essay or write it in your notebook . Give it to your teachers in class, please!!!.

Click HERE to do the activity.

jueves, 5 de abril de 2012


Look at the following list of adjectives that describe feelings (sentimientos) and moods (estados de ánimo) and add them to the vocabulary we learnt in unit 2:
Feelings & Moods (positive) – Sentimientos & Estados de ánimo (positivo)
amused – divertido
calm – tranquilo, calmado
cheerful – alegre
confident – seguro de sí mismo
content – contento, satisfecho
eager – deseoso
satisfied – satisfecho
ecstatic – extasiado
enthusiastic – entusiasta, entusiasmado
inspired – inspirado
elated – eufórico
energetic – activo, dinámico
pleased – encantado, contento, satisfecho
excited – excitado, entusiasmado
grateful – agradecido
happy – feliz, contento
thrilled – encantado, muy contento, muy ilusionado
hopeful – optimista, esperanzado

Feelings & Moods (negative) – Sentimientos & Estados de ánimo (negativo)
afraid – con miedo
angry – enfadado
annoyed – enojado, enfadado
ashamed – avergonzado
bored – aburrido
confused – confundido
depressed – deprimido
lonely – solo y triste
upset – molesto, disgustado
sad – triste
blue - triste, deprimido (esp AmE)
tired – cansado
disappointed – decepcionado
distressed – angustiado, afligido
embarrased – avergonzado
frightened – asustado
frustrated – frustrado
jealous – celoso, envidioso
worried – preocupado

Try to do this wordsearch . You can find the adjectives horizontally or vertically.